News Apr 30, 2022

Jacobs and Atkins Steer UK Department for Transport Vehicle Noise Camera Project

Integrated team leads trial of innovative noise camera technology to support the U.K. Government crackdown on excessive vehicle noise.

U.K. Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps sitting on blue car on test track

U.K. Secretary of State for Transport, The Rt Hon Grant Shapps. Photo: U.K. Department for Transport

The U.K. Government has responded to concerns about increasingly noisy cars, and their health impact on communities from the noise pollution, by developing a national vehicle noise camera project. 计划中的噪音摄像头网络将使当局能够更容易地对违反法律的司机进行执法,当他们不必要地发动引擎或使用非法改装时.

The U.K. Government has invested over a quarter of a million pounds (approximately $315,000) to prove the technology through trial and evaluation. The trial will be led by the Atkins-Jacobs Joint Venture (JV), previously formed to provide technical consultancy expertise, design and asset management to government clients.


Ahead of the full trial being rolled out, 本周,交通大臣格兰特·沙普斯参加了在贝德福德举行的试车会议, U.K.,  to see the noise camera technology in action. Grant Shapps已经邀请国会议员提交申请,在他们所在的地区进行试验,最初将在全国范围内选择四个地点. 

“We want all those in Britain’s noisiest streets, who are kept up at night by unbearable revving engines, to come forward to test this innovative technology," said Grant Shapps.

“For too long, 吵闹的司机用非法吵闹的车辆扰乱我们的社区而不受惩罚. It’s time we clamp down on this nuisance, banish the boy racer and restore peace and quiet to local streets.” 

“对于生活在受反社会驾驶影响地区的人们来说,这项计划是一项至关重要的发展,”  explains Atkins-Jacobs JV Practice Director Andrew Pearce. “它展示了我们如何利用技术采取高度针对性的方法来解决这些问题.”

“在这个受控的环境中,对一系列车辆测试不同的噪音测量技术,意味着我们可以确保只给那些拥有非法和反社会汽车或自行车的司机开罚单. 高速公路管理部门将能够自动化噪音执法,在不耗尽宝贵警察资源的情况下解决问题.”

“Excessively noisy vehicles cause unnecessary disturbance, stress and anxiety to many, and in some cases physical pain. 它们破坏了环境,破坏了人们在家中和公共场所的和平享受," said Noise Abatement Society Chief Executive Gloria Elliott OBE. “英国各地的社区越来越多地遭受这种完全可以避免的疫病的折磨. The Noise Abatement Society applauds rigorous, evidence-based solutions to address this issue and protect the public.”    


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