Beyond If Beyond If
Q&A Jun 27, 2023

Meet our Data Solutions Team: A Q&A with Bill Hankins

如果您要为Bill Hankins选择一个描述,“经过战斗考验”可能会排在第一位. A proud veteran of the U.S. military who saw four combat deployments during his career, 比尔现在是雅各布大学身份情报分析解决方案项目的副项目经理.

In this role, 他帮助领导了一个强大的情报分析项目,该项目价值近5亿美元,需要管理全美近300人.S. and six other countries.

Besides his real-world combat experience on the ground, Bill is also an accomplished student of strategy and analysis, having received his masters’ degree from the National Intelligence University in Washington D.C. He and his wife Victoria are the proud parents of four daughters, and he hangs his hat on a small homestead in rural Virginia. 

Q&A with Bill Hankins Jacobs Deputy Program Manager

Hi, Bill. Can you tell us how the work you do is helping deliver data solutions for our clients?

Being a part of Jacobs, and particularly our Divergent Solutions unit, 是否为我提供了开发和实现独特解决方案的机会,以简化具有动态客户需求的极其复杂的项目的项目管理实践. 我的工作重点是管理战略方向和4.69亿美元的日常财务需求, 275人的项目横跨中东和非洲的六个国家以及美国的六个不同地点.S. 该项目提供全方位的分析支持,从24小时战术监视清单支持到为国家安全政策提供信息的战略分析.

Can you tell us about a project you’ve participated in that you’re especially proud of? 

I support the Department of Defense and U.S. national security, 因此,在服役14年之后,我继续为支持国家安全所做的一切都让我感到非常自豪, particularly when it relates to Iraq and Afghanistan where I spent my time deployed.


Recently, after winning a recompete that included the merger of a sister program into one large program, 我们非常努力地将我们的新合作伙伴(来自以前的姊妹项目,现在是新项目的分包商)融入到一个欢迎和开放的对话中, 抓住机会从每个项目中采用最佳实践,以最大限度地提高客户的利益. The client recognized this and provided positive feedback in the first In-Progress Review, noting particularly how well the integration of the other program went.

What do you see as the top benefits that data solutions can provide to clients?

There are three that I would highlight. First is timely and accurate information for decision makers. 接下来是实时趋势信息(我们使用从我们捕获的分析师绩效指标中获得的数据分析来提供分析和生产绩效统计). Lastly, 在关键缺陷之前识别挑战领域的机会(与上述性能指标一样), we also maintain visibility on the areas where analysts struggle, enabling us to identify and address negative trends before they emerge to the customer).

What is some of the best career advice you’ve ever received?

People come first. No matter what we do, or what line of business we are in, it is about people. Whether on the front lines, behind a counter or computer monitor, or managing a large and geographically distributed program, nothing is possible without people. Take care of them, and they will take care of the client and their leaders.

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