Q& 2023年6月7日

认识我们的数据解决方案团队:A Q&与Justin Selking合作

As a Program Manager responsible for developing innovative, data-driven solutions and analysis to help inform U.S. 国家安全决策, 雅各布斯的贾斯汀·塞尔金在国内外为维护国家利益和人员安全发挥着重要作用.

源自Ft. 韦恩, 印第安纳州, where he would end up attending 印第安纳州 State University, Justin’s career journey eventually found him at 布法罗集团, a leading cyber and intelligence solutions provider that was acquired by 正规博彩十大网站排名. A resident of Virginia where he lives with his wife, Maribeth, the couple happily have their hands full in raising their three daughters.

Q&与Justin Selking合作

你好,贾斯汀. Can you tell us how the work you do is helping deliver 正规博彩十大网站排名’ strategy?
来自布法罗集团的收购, what excited me was the opportunity to collaborate, leverage and learn from other areas of expertise within 正规博彩十大网站排名. 现在是发散解决方案团队的一员, I’m excited to see and be part of the advancements in cyber, 智能和数据解决方案, 解决客户最具挑战性的问题.    

Can you tell us about a project you’ve participated in that you’re especially proud of? 

有很多伟大的项目,我有机会成为其中的一部分,现在正在工作. 然而, 而不是一个项目, 让我感到自豪的是,在过去的几年里,我所合作的团队采用了创新的方法来解决我们客户最具挑战性和最苛刻的问题. This team has taken an approach to application development and data collection, analysis and visualization that our client has never experienced, 为长期存在的挑战提供解决方案.


In response to the client’s office space being shut down due to COVID-19, 我们开发了一个全面的远程办公计划,使我们的客户和员工能够继续提供关键任务的支持. Part of this program was a tailored application we designed, 为数据收集提供高效且用户友好的流程,并允许团队跟踪培训, 任务, 完成的工作和花在项目上的总时间. 我们进一步利用数据可视化应用程序,使项目管理和我们的客户能够深入了解完成的数十万小时工作的结果.

What do you see as the top benefits that data solutions can provide to clients?

数据解决方案可以提供有助于推动创新的见解,并使我们的客户能够做出必要的决策并解决问题. 在过去的几年里, 我们利用并开发了几个应用程序和数据驱动的解决方案,从而提高了生产效率, increased efficiency through the automation of routine 任务 and communication, 并且让大变得有意义, 复杂和无组织的数据集, 使我们的团队能够开发解决方案,并使我们的客户能够深入了解他们以前不知道的机会.

What is some of the best career advice you’ve ever received?

在布法罗集团工作期间,我很幸运有机会与许多伟大的领导者一起工作, 雅各布斯和军队. 在与这些人共事的这些年里, 我了解到自我意识对成长至关重要,是作为领导者最重要的特质之一. Self-awareness helps leaders recognize strengths/weaknesses and forecast challenges, 但最重要的是,它使领导者能够在团队中创造一种以人为本、促进福祉的文化, 鼓励和专业发展.


What drives you drives us as we work to build a better world – together. 在雅各布斯,每一天都是一个让世界变得更好、联系更紧密、更可持续的机会. We’re always looking for dynamic and engaged people to join our team. Bring your passion, your ingenuity and your vision.

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